Since I haven't been the greatest at updating this blog, I thought I would through some spice in the mix. A new series will be started by an un-named friend of mine -
not me. Read on!
Mr2Nice123: A single 40-somethings guide to datingWhen my friend asked me to contribute to her blog, it took me a while to pick out a topic. So instead of being a supportive friend and talking about crafts, or her lovely bags, I am taking the selfish route…this will be all about me.
I am hoping that this will be cathartic, as well as saving me the cost of a therapist. You see, I am trying to date again. This will be my record for posterity.
Here is a bit of my background to set this in perspective. I am 46, and a single mom with two young sons. I was married for 10 years. I am amicable with my ex, (without cause, I assure you, if knew the whole story) whom I shall refer to hearafter as “Lord Voldemort Lite”*. After my experience with him I swore off men for the rest of my life. So now 3 years later, the rest of my life has arrived. I guess I have decided that All Men Can’t Be Bad, some are Kind of Cute, and I Miss Sex.
And with that comes dating.
Or at least trying to date.
So here is where I will record my thoughts and stories….stay tuned
By the way, the title refers to the type of ‘handle’ that is typically used in an on-line dating profile. More on that topic soon!
*with acknowledgement to Manolo the Shoeblogger