Being home today I was finally able to set up my other computer in my new studio via a wireless router connection - whoo hoo!! Anyone that knows me knows I am totally binary when it comes to computers. I may be a phone tech but computers really challenge me. So I'm sitting here in the comfort of my sewing room updating my blog - how cool is that!?!
1 week ago
Hey there!
You've been tagged!
Please check out my blog for the details. :-)
Happy Mothers Day by the way!
lol I started to answer your questions on my blog than realized I should put the answer on your blog to make sure you get it! Duh! :-)
I barely know anyone I tagged besides you! A few I've met over the past few weeks and a couple I just happened to see there blogs yesterday and thought they were nice. I'm new to this as well and hope I haven't done anything wrong! lol
Just copy the tag info at the top of my blog entry onto your own entry, then do your 7 facts and list the 7 people you choose. Then make sure you let them know you tagged them and tell them to look at your blog for the rules.
I hope that helped! (you also don't have to write as much as I did; I got carried away!) :-)
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